Pilates helps with common back problems
Pilates is the perfect antidote to a sedentary life. It can also be helpful in treating common spinal problems like scoliosis and kyphotic-lordotic posture.
How to get back to running when you have knee pain?
I used to do a lot of running races and triathlons and was lucky to be able to run any distance without much effort. Unfortunately, I knew little about the great stress I was inflicting on my body with every step - we put six times our body weight through each foot during running.
Why is it important to look after your lower back?
Back pain is very common, and 80% of us will experience it at some time during our lifetimes.
The benefits of using Pilates for effective pain relief
Pilates is widely acknowledged as one of the most successful methods for alleviating chronic pain in the neck, back, shoulders and joints.