Try these daily Pilates exercises in 15 minutes | Active Pilates
Everyday Pilates in just 15 minutes
Want to feel stronger, leaner and ready to take on everything in your day – but think that you simply don’t have time? Seriously, I get it. Your life is busy. What if I tell you that all it takes is 15 minutes every day to start making a difference?
I’ve seen how doing a little bit of regular exercise can help people face all sorts of physical and mental challenges. And you can do these at home – all you need is a mat and some comfortable clothes to wear.
If you’ve only got 15 minutes, focus on these 6 simple Pilates exercises:
1. Pilates Breathing exercise
The correct breathing technique can help make the most of every exercise. Try this simple approach to breathing to get you started. It’s often good to sit in front of a mirror. It’s important to check that you don’t let your shoulders curve forward.
Sit comfortably on a chair or stool.
Breathe in through your nose and direct the breath into your back.
Count to five as you breathe in. Then breathe out slowly and evenly through your mouth, counting to eight as you go.
Repeat 10 times.
Then do a similar breathing exercise, but this time focus on breathing into the outside of your ribs. Imagine your ribs pushing out, then moving inward in a slow, controlled way.
2. Spine articulation exercise – The Bridge
What I mean by ‘articulation’ is how your spine moves. A healthy spine moves with ease, without pain. One of the best exercises to warm up your spine and get you moving is The Bridge.
Lie down in a semi-supine position (with both legs bent).
Have your knees and feet hip-width apart and your arms by your sides.
Breath in and as you breathe out engage your abdominal muscles, contract your pelvic floor and lift your whole lumbar spine.
Hold for a count of 5 then exhale, peeling down one vertebra at a time starting with the top of your spine.
Repeat 10 times.
3. Leg circles
This simple exercise uses your abdominal muscles to keep your upper body still while your leg moves freely. It helps loosen any tightness in your hips and stretches the hamstrings.
Lie on your back in semi-supine position, arms by your side with palms facing down. Engage your abdominal muscles to stabilise your pelvis.
Breathe in and lift one leg towards the ceiling – point your toes.
As you breathe out, rotate the raised leg outward, soften the knee and then make small circles clockwise from your hip joint. Your pelvis should remain neutral.
Repeat 5 times – then rotate the same leg in the other direction 5 times.
Lower the leg and swap legs, repeating the process.
4. Single leg stretch
This is a great exercise if you’re working towards a flatter tummy. As you do this exercise, you switch on your deep abdominal muscles to support your lumbar spine and help maintain pelvic stability.
Lie on your back and bend both knees toward your chest.
Then inhale to prepare and as you breathe out, raise you head and contract forward.
Place your right hand on your right ankle and your left hand on your right knee. Elbows are raised.
Then extend your left leg away from the body and in line with the floor. Try not to arch your back. Exhale as you reach.
Stretch through the left leg and point the toes.
Then breathe in as you change sides, keeping your abdominals in as you go.
Repeat 10 times on each side.
5. Book opening exercise
This simple exercise is a good exercise for thoracic rotation.
Lay on one side with your knees bent and your shoulders and hips stacked on top of each other.
Place a small cushion under your head.
Leaving one arm on the floor, lift the top arm and rotate across the ribcage, following the top hand with your eyes.
Then return your arm back to the mat.
Repeat 10 times on each side.
6. Weight-bearing exercise – Pilates push-ups
The great thing about Pilates is you don’t need weight-lifting equipment to strengthen important muscle groups. You can use your own bodyweight to build strength steadily through the repetition of simple movements.
Start in a standing position with your feet and legs together, arms at your side.
Engage your abdominals and slide your hands slowly down along your legs until your fingers or palms touch the floor. Feel that stretch down the back of your legs.
Breathe in, then walk your hands away from you so you are in an upside-down V shape.
Walk your hands further away from you, lowering your hips and then knees. Your body should be in a straight line from your knees to the top of your head and your hands placed directly under your shoulders.
Breathe in and bend your elbows to lower your chest to the floor.
Breathe out, straighten your elbows and lift your knees, moving back into the V shape in step 3.
Then roll your body back up to standing.
Repeat 5 times.
Of course, it’s always good to get some guidance to make sure you’re doing your exercises the ‘right’ way. So, I’m looking forward to seeing you in my class at Active Pilates in Geraldton!